We help our clients develop safe, convenient, desirable spaces:
shopping centres, distribution centres, homes, offices – Cities!
We are driven by curiosity: curious about why, curious for how, curious for better
We build operational Digital Twins, simulating alternatives,
to create exciting and sustainable projects.
We’ve seen and done a lot, and we do love a challenge.
You have issues – bring them to us!
If you invite us in, we are going to get involved in your project, we will take it personally
and we will meet your deadlines!​
We don’t cut corners and we don’t give up on a good idea …..!
Public Transport
People and mobility - integrated, multi-modal transportation
Greenpoint Circle - effective, realistic, accurate
Masterplans - Traffic Impact
Small to large - Integrated mobility, creative solutions
Logistics & Operations
Public Transport Interchange
Integrated, multi-modal passenger needs for access and circulation
Infrastructure Modelling
Testing options - Interchanges, access, circulation, solutions
Pedestrian Safety
People, cars, testing safety, evaluating conflicts
People Spaces
Effective space for people and cars - what works, what doesn't!