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Greenpoint Circle

A great collaborative effort which enabled the beginnings of an iconic urban space. Thought impossible to design and coordinate operationally, but has proven to be a success for people, cars and public transport. 

Thank you everyone.


Grayston Interchange

A gateway to the heart of the business centre in Sandton. Capacity limitations influence entry and exit to the area and impact the sustainability as a business hub.

The modelling tests alternative configurations to improve operations at best-cost. In this instance, a Diverging Diamond layout. 

Strategic AND tactical planning - testing road networks

There is nothing small about Microsimulation modelling: undoubtedly the best operational tool available to planners.  Using world-renowned technology produces the best results. Our team produces accurate and realistic models designed to explore options, test alternatives and, simply, offer appropriate advice. 

Stakeholder Engagement

Visualising the future is never easy. Trafficon demonstrate planning ideas and implications to all the interested and affected parties we engage with. The realism achieved in our simulations allow understanding and, ultimately, speeds up making the best choice 

Access control and gateways 

Access control is necessary for residential developments and shopping centres. The traffic simulation assesses all operations: capacities, queues and possible delays. Risk and return - how much infrastructure is required to provide the best outcome? 


Trafficon Studies

We have created countless simulations of people, traffic and public transport. Each project has its own unique audience, goal and ultimate purpose. The portfolio below demonstrates numerous examples but if you have an issue you need to resolve, contact us. We will guide you through a process to help. 

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